Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Trithemis group

Family Libelluidae

Trithemis aurora
(Burmeister 1839)
Elevation 200-1800mm
Abdomen Length 21-29mm
Location all of Nepal at lower to mid-elevation

This is a very common and beautiful species that is usually found next to ponds, lakes, wetlands, and canals. The female shown below is yellow but similar to the male and sometimes has a bit of brown at the wingtips. It is easy to spot from the bright fuchsia-colored abdomen, brown wing spot, and red veins. Females are different having a golden color abdomen. Distributed across Asia to Australasian regions.


Trithemis festiva 
(Rambur 1842) 
Elevation 100 - 2000m
Abdomen Length 22-28mm
Location all Nepal  

Resting on a branch to survey the area for females and prey. T. festiva is one of the most commonly seen species on small streams, rivers, and lakes. It is also found all over Nepal. The females are rarely seen, once they mate and oviposit, they quickly vanish into the shrubbery. A very widespread species and commonly found near running water. In Nepal, it is found in CNP and up to 1600m in the hills. The females are more difficult to spot as mating is rapid and females stay in the brush off to the sides of streams. Their elevation limit is about 2000m. It is found in many places from Greece, all of Asia, and Australasia.


Trithemis pallidinervis 
(Kirby 1888)
Elevation 300 to 2500m
Abdomen Length 28-32mm
Locations Pokhara lakes

The Dancing Dropwing or the more descriptive Long-legged Marsh Glider, was a late arrival - well after the monsoon in late September through the end of October, in the swampy grassland on the west side of Phewa Taal. They have a very distinctive pose with long spidery legs and are often perched on top of grasses in or near wetlands, swamps, and next to ponds with their wings and abdomen held high. Male and Female below. Like T. festiva they are widely placed from the Middle East to Papua New Guinea.


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