Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Tramea group

Family Libelullidae

Tramea basilaris
(Palisot de Beauvois 1805)
Elevation 180 to 1700m
Abdomen Length 30-35mm

The Key Hole Glider is appropriate with the wing pattern showing from below as it sits above in trees and rests on bare branches from where it will zing out after something to eat. It is a high flyer and that allows for long-distance flights. This one and the one below were on top of trees at Tiger Mountain. Regionally in NE India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Malaysia.

Tramea virginia 
(Rambur 1842)
Elevation 500-900m
Abdomen Length 34-37mm

Found across the region from India to East Asia. It breeds in ponds and flies to treetops where they spend time watching for prey. This one was sharing the same treetop at Tiger Mountain as T basilaris burmeisteri. The wing pattern is a good way to identify this one because it is usually up on high branches. It is found in Pakistan, NW India, NE India, China, and East Asia.

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