Friday, April 3, 2020


Family Cordulegastridae or Spiketails

Anotogaster nipalensis
(Selys 1854)
Elevation 900 - 3000m
Abdomen Length 54mm
Commonly found along flowing streams at elevations from 1300 to 1800 meters in the Himalayas Nepal, NE India, and Bhutan. The male will guard shady stream sections flying low over the water where females oviposit into the mud banks and soft plants along the edges. Males and females are very similar in appearance but the female has a large spike at the end of the abdomen. They are plentiful from August to October.
Close-up of male secondary genitalia

Neallogaster ornata
(Asahina 1982)
Elevation 1500 - 2700m
Abdomen Length 52mm
Walking along the road on the northwest side of Shiva Puri, a large dragonfly went into the bushes in front of me, Neallogaster ornata, first a female landed then the male followed, landing next to the female. The pattern is distinctive and is the same for both males and females. This was in May at about 1900m close to the Shiva Puri Village resort. It is also listed as being seen in India.

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