Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Coenagrionidae Pseudagrion

Family Coenagrionidae

Pseudagrion australasiae
Selys, 1976
Elevation 80-800mm
Abdomen length 30-32mm

This one is often confused with P. microcephalum. The main differences are the longer length of the abdomen, lighter blue color, marking on the 2nd segment, and the length of the anal appendages. P. australasiae has a distinct crown-shaped mark on the mid-prothorax and a small lateral black spot on the mesepimeron. The female resembles the male in markings, but the thorax is blue-green tinted with three narrow black stripes. Found in Nepal at Dipang Taal and in lower hill regions to the Terai.

Pseudagrion decorum
(Rambur 1842)
Elevation of sea level to 1800m
Abdomen length 28-30mm

They are small in size but easily recognized by the pale blue and green stripes on the thorax, darker abdomen, and light blue at the tip of the abdomen. They are usually at the small pond below the Godavari Kunda in April and May. Their distribution is throughout India, one location in Sri Lanka, and Myanmar.


Pseudagrion microcephalum
Rambur, 1842
Elevation of sea level to 300m
Abdomen length 27mm
Distribution is widespread throughout the Indo-Pacific region

Called the Blue Sprite it is very similar, slightly smaller, and easily confused with P. australasiae. The distinguishing features are the longer anal appendages and the black goblet-shaped mark on the 2nd segment. The female is greenish-blue infused with some orange color and the 9th segment has a bifid black mark. This was photographed at Parsa Reserve in the Terai.

Pseudagrion r. rubriceps
Selys 1876
Elevation of sea level to 1500m
Abdomen length 29mm

A very striking damselfly with red eyes and sides of thorax bright blue or green depending on the age of the specimen. It lives on the water of small ponds and lakes drifting between the grasses along the edge of the water. This is a very common SE Asian damselfly. It is found during and after the monsoon. Locations are from Terai to the Godavari area.

Pseudagrion spencei
Fraser 1922
Elevation of sea level to 900m
Abdomen length 22-24mm

This is a medium-sized damselfly with bright blue coloration on the sides of the thorax and a thick thistle-shaped mark on the dorsum of the 2nd segment. The eyespots are connected looking like a band. Abdomen segments 8-9 are blue with some small black markings. Segment 10 has a broad X-shaped mark on the dorsum. The female is quite different being slightly smaller and dull beige color and three fine lines on the dorsum of the thorax. This damselfly is found later in the season at the end of the monsoon in Pokhara on the lakes and in Chitwan National Park, including Parsa.

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