Friday, April 10, 2020

Microgomphus phewataali

Family Gomphidae

Microgomphus phewataali 
Conniff and Limbu 2018
Elevation 800m
Abdomen Length 30mm

This is a new endemic species for Nepal. Although recently discovered it may soon vanish because of water extraction from the small wetland where it was found. Photos show type male (2018) the anal appendages and the paratype female below. It is named for the lake in Pokhara where it was found.
In 2017, I first noticed the female ovipositing in small puddles along a small jungle stream, it was not flowing any longer, due to water pipes from across the lake extracting water for the city side. While I was watching, a male came in and landed on my shoe, it was too close so I could hardly focus. When I stepped back he was gone up into the trees. The anal appendages were in fairly good focus and the female was found with eggs hanging to the end of the abdomen. Later looking at the photos, I knew then that was a Microgomphus from the anal appendages and it was new to Nepal. It appears in early May for one month then gone again for one year. The description was published in Odonatologica in December 2018.

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