Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Family Platystictidae - Shadow Damselflies

Drepanosticta carmichaeli
(Laidlaw, 1915)
Elevation 200-900m
Abdomen Length 36-37mm
Locations: Chandi Khola, Syangja, Lamjung, Nuwakot

This is a forest damselfly that is found in the Himalayan region from Uttarakhand to Nepal, Bhutan, and East India. A suggested name is Carmichael's Forest Shadow Damselfly. The ID is straightforward with the long slender brown body and ringed with small bright blue segments then all of 7-8. This one is from the jungle area on the south side of Phewa Taal next to a small waterfall. It shows up in May/June until July in some places. In 2019 it was found in many places around Nepal - also in Royal Manas Park in Bhutan and off the Yuksum Road in Sikkim. Looking in the right habitats it would probably be found in Ilam or East Nepal.
The forest area where D. carmichaeli is found is piped for water to send across the lake to the city of Pokhara. The area is becoming dry from over-harvesting water.

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