Thursday, September 28, 2023

Nepal Checklist

 Nepal Odonata Checklist

Calicnemia doonensis carminea

As more young scientists and enthusiasts become interested in Odonata in Nepal the number of sightings and new records will probably continue to increase. The first complete checklist was made 
thirty-one years ago by G. Vick. A new regional, six-country, checklist for 2020 is complete. This will be very helpful in determining species in the surrounding countries as well as in Nepal. 
Color codes: species in orange are found in this blog; blue is for endemic; red? is for a questionable record. Within the blog is information on the elevation and habitat of the recorded species.

Order Odonata                Fabricius, 1793
Suborder Zygoptera

Family Synlestidae         Tillyard, 1917
Megalestes irma                (Fraser, 1926) 
Megalestes major               Selys, 1926

Family Lestidae               Calvert, 1907
Indolestes    `             
Indolestes cyaneus            (Selys, 1962)

Lestes dorothea                       Fraser, 1924
Lestes praemorsus decipiens     Kirby, 1893

Family Platystictidae           Kennedy, 1920
Drepanosticta carmichaeli      (Laidlaw 1915)

Family Calopterygidae        Selys, 1850
Caliphaea confusa                  Hagen in Selys, 1853

Neurobasis chinensis              (Linneaus, 1758)

Vestalis gracilis                      (Rambur, 1842)

Family Chlorocyphidae        Cowley 1937
Aristocypha cuneata               (Selys, 1853)
Aristocypha quadrimaculata     Selys, 1853
Aristocypha trifasciata             Selys, 1853

Heliocypha biforata               (Selys, 1859)

Libellago lineata                    (Burmeister, 1839)

Paracypha unimaculata          (Selys, 1853)

Family Euphaeidae               Yakobson & Bianchi, 1905 
Anisopleura comes                   Hagen, 1880
Anisopleura lestoides                Selys, 1953
Anisopleura subplatystyla          Fraser, 1927

Bayadera hyalina                  Selys, 1879
Bayadera indica                    (Selys, 1853)
Bayadera longicauda             Fraser, 1928

Euphaea ochracea                 Selys, 1859

Family Philogangidae            Kennedy, 1920
Philoganga Montana                 Hagen in Selys, 1859

Family Platycnemididae        Yakobson & Bainchi, 1905
Calicnemia doonensis carminea*   Lieftinck, 1984
Calicnemia eximia                    (Selys, 1863)
Calicnemia miniata                  (Selys, 1886)
Calicnemia mortoni                   Laidlaw, 1917
Calicnemia nipalica                   Kimmins, 1958
Calicnemia pulverulans            (Selys, 1886)

Coeliccia renifera                     (Selys, 1886)

Copera marginipes                    (Rambur, 1842)
Copera vittata                           Selys, 1863

Onychargia atrocyana                (Selys, 1865)

Prodasineura autumnalis           (Fraser, 1922) 
Prodasineura odoneli                 (Fraser, 1922)

Family Coenagrionidae            Kirby, 1890
Aciagrion approximans approximans (Selys, 1876)
Aciagrion hisopa?                    (Selys, 1876)
Aciagrion olympicum                Laidlaw, 1919
Aciagrion pallidum                    Selys 1891

Agriocnemis clauseni                Fraser, 1922
Agriocnemis femina                (Brauer, 1868)
Agriocnemis lacteola                Selys, 1877
Agriocnemis pygmaea             (Rambur, 1842)

Amphiallagma parvum             (Selys, 1877)

Ceriagrion azureum                    (Selys, 1891)
Ceriagrion cerinorubellum           (Brauer, 1865)   
Ceriagrion coromandelianum       (Fabricius, 1798)
Ceriagrion fallax                          Ris, 1914
Ceriagrion olivaceum olivaceum    Laidlaw, 1914

Coenagrion exclamationis       Fraser, 1919

Ischnura elegans                    (Vander Linden, 1823)
Ischnura foricpata                   Morton, 1907
Ischnura nursei                       Morton, 1907                 
Ischnura rubilio                       Selys, 1876                  
Ischnura rufostigma                 Selys, 1876

Paracercion calamorum            Ris, 1916
Paracercion malayanum           (Selys, 1876)

Pseudagrion australasiae              Selys, 1876
Pseudagrion decorum                  (Rambur, 1842)
Pseudagrion microcephalum         (Rambur, 1842)
Pseudagrion rubriceps rubriceps    Selys, 1876    
Pseudagrion spencei                     Fraser, 1922

Suborder Anisozygoptera        Hanlirsch 1906
Family Epiophlebia                   Muttkowshi, 1910
Epiophlebia laidlawi                     Tillyard, 1921

Microgomphus phewataali

Suborder Anisoptera
Family Aeshnidae                   Leach, 1815
Aeshna petalura                        Martin, 1906

Anaciaeschna martini                (Selys, 1897)
Anaciaeschna jaspidea              (Burmeister, 1839)

Anax guttatus                            (Burmeister, 1839)
Anax immaculafrons                    Rambur, 1842
Anax indicus
Anax nigrofasciatus                      Fraser, 1935
Anax parthenope                        (Selys, 1839)

Cephalaeschna acutifrons         (Martin, 1909)   
Cephalaeschna klapperichi         Schmidt, 1961
Cephalaeschna masoni             (Martin, 1909)               
Cephalaeschna obifrons             Selys, 1883
Cephalaeschna virdifrons          (Fraser, 1922)

Gynacantha bayadera              Selys, 1891
Gynacantha khasiaca               (MacLachlan, 1896)
Gynacantha incisura                 Fraser, 1935
Gynacantha subinterrupta         Rambur, 1842

Gynacanthaeschna sikkima      (Karsch, 1891)

Periaeschna unifasciata             Fraser, 1935

Polycanthagyna erythromelas    (MacLachlan, 1896)

Sarasaeschna martini                (Laidlaw, 1921)
Sarasaeschna sp. nov.1            Godavari Location
Sarasaeschan sp. nov.2            Daman Location

Family Gomphidae                   Rambur, 1842
Anisogomphus bivittatus             Selys, 1854
Anisogomphus occipitalis           (Selys, 1854)
Anisogomphus orites                  Laidlaw, 1922

Burmagomphus hasimaricus        Fraser 1926
Burmagomphus sp. nov.

Davidius aberrans aberrans        (Selys, 1873)
Davidius delineatus                     Fraser, 1926

Gomphidia t-nigrium                   Selys, 1854

Ictinogomphus angulosus ?         (Selys, 1854)
Ictinogomphus kishori                  Ram, 1985
Ictinogomphus pertinax              (Selys, 1854)
Ictiniogomphus rapax                 (Rambur, 1842)

Macrogomphus montanus           Selys, 1869
Macrogomphus robustus             Selys, 1854
Macrogomphus seductus             Fraser, 1926

Microgomphus phewataali*         Conniff & Limbu 2018

Nepogomphus modestus             (Selys, 1878)

Lamelligomphus biforceps           (Selys, 1878)
Lamelligomphus risi                     Fraser, 1922

Onychogomphus cerastis           (Selys, 1854)

Nychogomphus duaricus            (Fraser, 1924)
Nychogompus saundersii           (Selys, 1854)

Scalmogomphus bistrigatus       (Hagen in Selys, 1854)
Scalmogomphus schmidti           Fraser, 1937

Paragomphus lindgreni             (Fraser, 1923)
Paragomphus lineatus              (Selys, 1850)

Parissogomphus stevensi         Laidlaw, 1922

Platygomphus dolabratus        Selys, 1854

Stylogomphus inglisi              Fraser, 1922

Family Chlorogomphidae               Needham, 1903
Chlorogomphus mortoni                    Fraser, 1923
Chlorogomphus preciosus preciosus   (Fraser, 1924)

Chloropetalia selysi           Fraser, 1929

Watanabeopetalia atkinsoni     (Selys, 1878) 

Family Cordulegasteridae           Hagen, 1875
Anotogaster basilis palampurensis   Fraser, 1929
Anotogaster gregoryi                      Fraser, 1924      
Anotogaster nipalensis                    Selys, 1854

Corulegaster brevistigma    (Selys, 1854)

Neallogaster hermoinae      (Fraser, 1927)
Neallogaster latifrons         (Selys, 1878)
Neallogaster ornata            (Asahina, 1982)

Family Macromiidae        Needham, 1903
Epophthalmia frontalis       Selys, 1871

Macromia cingulata           Rambur, 1842
Macromia flavorcolorata    Fraser, 1922
Macromia moorei              Selys, 1874
Macromia sombui *           Vick, 1988

Family Corduliidae         Selys, 1850
Somatochlora daviesi        Leiftinck, 1977

Family Libellulidae         Leach, 1815
Acisoma panorpoides         Rambur, 1842

Aethriamanta brevipennis   (Rambur, 1842)

Brachydiplax chalybea      Brauer, 1868
Brachydiplax sobrina       (Rambur, 1842)

Brachythemis contaminata  (Fabricius, 1793)

Cratilla lineata caliverti       Förster, 1903
Cratilla metalica                (Brauer, 1878)

Crocothemis erythraea       (Brullé, 1832) 
Crocothemis servilia           (Drury, 1770)

Diplacodes lefebvrii          (Rambur, 1842)
Diplacodes nebulosa         (Fabricius, 1793)
Diplacodes trivialis            (Rambur, 1842)

Libellula quadrimaculata    Linneaus, 1758

Lyriothemis bivittata        (Rambur, 1842)

Nannoypha pygmaea       (Rambur, 1842)

Neurothemis fulvia          (Drury, 1773)
Neurothemis intermedia   (Rambur, 1842)
Neurothemis tulia            (Drury, 1773)

Onychothemis testacea     Laidlaw, 1902

Orthetrum glaucum                      (Brauer, 1865)  
Orthetrum internum                      MacLaghlan, 1894 
Orthetrum luzonicum                    (Brauer, 1868) 
Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum   (Rambur, 1842)
Orthetrum sabina sabina               (Drury, 1770)
Orthetrum triangulare triangulare   (Selys, 1878)

Palpopleura sexmaculata            (Fabricius, 1787)

Pantala flavescens                     (Fabricius, 1798)

Potamarcha congener                (Rambur, 1842)

Pseudotramea prateri                   Fraser, 1920

Rhodothemis rufa                      (Rambur, 1842)

Rhyothemis plutonia                      Selys, 1883
Rhyothemis triangularis                 Kirby, 1889
Rhyothemis variegata variegata    (Linnaeus, 1763)

Selysiothemis nigra                      (Vander Linden, 1825)

Sympetrum fonscolombii                (Selys, 1840)
Sympetrum haritonovi                    Borisov, 1983
Sympetrum hypomelas                   (Selys, 1884)
Sympetrum oriental                       (Selys, 1883)
Sympetrum speciosum                    Oguma, 1915
Sympetrum striolatum commixtum  (Selys, 1884)

Tetrathemis platyptera    Selys, 1878

Tholymis tillarga       (Fabricius, 1798)

Tramea basilaris       (Palisot de Beauvois, 1805)
Tramea limbata        (Desjardins, 1832)
Tramea virginia        (Rambur, 1842)

Trithemis aurora          (Burmeister, 1839)         
Trithemis festiva          (Rambur, 1842) 
Trithemis pallidinervis  (Kirby, 1889)

Urothemis signata signata  (Rambur, 1842)

Zygonyx iris               (Selys, 1869)

Uncertain designation
Idyonyx stevensi         Fraser, 1924

Anotogaster nipalensis + exuvia

Monday, April 13, 2020

Odonata - Godavari

Godavari Odonata

I have tried to make this blog easier to use. Below the header photo, the blog pages are divided into regions and have a semi-structured selection of species found in each region. Please look at the Nepal and Himalayan Region pages for some unusual species. Now, after reorganizing the posts, you can navigate directly to individual families and genera using the labels on the right. I recommend using the genus pages because I have put more information there on habitats and distribution in Nepal.

Two new pages have been added one is Odonata of the Himalayan Region, which includes China, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bhutan, and North East India. The second addition to the blog and most recent is the Nepal Checklist.

Welcome: I will start with the Godavari area because that is where I live and it happens to be a damselfly and dragonfly hotspot on the south side of the Kathmandu Valley. Located under the highest peak in the valley, Phulchowki 2795m, it is also the location of the National Botanic Gardens and a rich site for birds, butterflies, and plants.

Unfortunately, it is changing rapidly with the development of picnic areas, water tanker filling stations, new houses, garbage dumps in the streams, and other negative human influences. The most damaging for freshwater invertebrates is the over-drafting of water from the streams for water-deprived Kathmandu (a mismanagement issue), leaving nothing behind for the habitat.
The dragonflies and damselflies are now up to 57 separate species. They were photographed from several locations around 1400m to 1600m near the Godavari Botanic Gardens in a wetland area south of the National Botanical Gardens, inside the ICIMOD Knowledge Park, around the Godavari Khunda and fisheries unit, and below on a stream that runs behind the Botanic Gardens. The best site is a forested wetland, 10 to 15 meters wide and only 100 meters long, with a tiny streamlet hosting many types of birds, butterflies, and less common dragonflies (the area was recently dammed in 2016). Leading into this area is a messy picnic area that throbs with people and music on the weekends. Sometimes people make their way into this area but fortunately, the leeches keep them at bay.

Zygoptera or Damselflies

Family Calopterygidae

Caliphaea confusa
Hagen in Selys 1959
Elevation ranges from 700 m to 2300m
Abdomen 36 to 40mm
Bronze-backed Demoiselles - Caliphaea confusa is found in dense pristine forests with small streams. These are found around the valley. In Godavari, they are seen in and near the National Botanic Garden, ICIMOD wetland, and the small wetland east of ICIMOD. They are emerald green when juveniles turn bronze as they age. They are among the first to appear in early April as emerald green and during monsoons from late May to mid-June they turn beautiful bronze. They are weak fliers and are often found resting on ferns near water seepages, breeding in slow shady jungle streams.


Neurobasis chinensis
(Linnaeus 1758)
Elevation ranges from 80 to 1700m
Abdomen length 45-50mm
A rapid flash of emerald green from a leaf or stone mid-stream is eye-catching. This is a common species in Asia with many names, such as Stream Glory (India), Oriental Greenwing (Sri Lanka), Green-winged Demoiselle, Chinese Greenwing (China), and possibly other names apply, but all very descriptive of the beautiful green lining on the inner wing. Females are easily found near the males but with a white node and pterostigma on bronze-colored wings. They are found on running rivers and streams across Nepal from April through August.


Family Euphaeidae

Bayadera hyalina
(Selys 1879)
Elevation 1450m
Abdomen length 34mm
I was not sure if I should include this entry because of the discourse on B. longicauda (missing terminal segments) described by Asahina from Thailand and B. hyalina described from Assam and Meghalaya. This species' information is given in detail on the IUCN website and is red-listed as Vulnerable. The description given by Fraser 1934 matches; i.e. hyaline wings, yellow on the lateral side of the 1st abdominal segment only, and the larger sharp ventral spine on the superior anal appendages. But I only found one male teneral insect and since it is teneral the ID is in doubt.

Bayadera indica
Selys 1853
Elevation 700 to 1800m
Abdomen Length 38-40mm
This damselfly is widespread across many areas in Nepal and in Northwest and Northeast India, and possibly Bhutan and Myanmar. The key ID for this species is the male with black tips on both fore and hind wings and turquoise blue markings on the face. They prefer fast-moving streams and will often rest on stones or debris in the middle of the stream. They are usually active during the monsoon - June to August.


Anisopleura comes
Hagen 1880
Elevation 400 - 2600m
Abdomen Length 36-40mm
This species is spread across the lower Himalayan hill regions from Punjab to Bhutan including China. It is usually found next to slow streams in a heavily forested area sitting on vegetation. It is not commonly seen but tends to be in certain habitats. The females were harder to find resting farther into the bushes. Their coloration is varied by the extent of pruinescence - younger males were green and older more silvery blue. They have a tiny tip of black at the extreme wing apex. They are active in April and May and are often found in the same locality as A. subplatystyla.


Anisopleura lestoides
Selys 1853
Elevation 700 to 2500m
Abdomen length 36-38mm
The long spear-like mark on the upper thorax is easy to spot and separates it from closely related A. comes. It is also more commonly seen than L. comes or L. subplatystyla. A. lestoides are found in similar locations, small well-vegetated streams. They are weak flyers and breed in running water. Older individuals have more pruinesence and the details are harder to see. They are found from mid-June to October.


Anisopleura subplatystyla
Fraser 1927
Elevation 1000-1900m
Abdomen Length 36 to 40mm
I have seen this one outside of the Kathmandu valley (see the Daman page), but just this week I found it in a small wetland next to ICIMOD. A new addition to my Godavari list. A subplatystyla, the synonym A. bella was listed in Bhutan. It is found in Meghalaya, Sikkim, Chang Mai, and one unsure record in Yunnan. Its thoracic markings are distinctive with a yellow oval on the dorsum. I have been visiting the Godavari wetland for the last 5 years and this is the first time I have seen it; both males and females were found - there were about 3 males and 2 females seen in one day. I have only seen this one in May pre-monsoon.


Family Chlorocyphidae or Jewels

Aristocypha trifasciata syn Rhinocypha + bifasciata
Selys 1879
Elevation 600 to 1700m
Abdomen 22mm
A Himalayan species, ranging from Jammu-Kashmir to Bhutan and NE India. They are always found on streams with running water, and depending on the light you can see beautiful emerald or purple colors in the inner wings. There are usually two bands on the male's wings - the second band mid-wing usually develops later. They are active later in the monsoon season from July to October, both males and females are present. The wings of the females are evenly tinted brown. DNA studies have shown that the Aristocypha/Heliocypha group is distinct from Rhinocypha, which is from New Guinea.


Family Synlestidae

Megalestes major
Selys 1862
Elevation 1000 to 3000m
Abdomen length 48-54mm 
This is a long dangling emerald-colored, slender-bodied damselfly that seeks dark wet forested areas such as the Godavari wetland. Unlike other damselflies, it holds its wings out to the side when resting. The body is much longer than its wings. Two Synlestidae species are found in Nepal - M. major (yellow under thorax) and M. irma (black under thorax at higher elevations). It is seen from June to August in Godavari. Other locations include NE India, Myanmar, and Vietnam.

Family Lestidae

Indolestes cyaneus
Selys, 1862
Elevation 700 to 3300m
Abdomen 32-36mm
Indolestes are called Reedlings - the main reason that is where they are found, in reed beds next to lakes and ponds. Locations are from Jammu-Kashmir, Punjab, Darjeeling, Bhutan, and China. I. cyaneus is found in mountain wetlands up to over 2000m, they are hard to spot being very slender but the blue color is attractive to the eye. As juveniles, they are almost the same color as dry grass and very difficult to spot. They breed in early June and again in early October.

Lestes praemorsus decpiens
Kirby 1893
Elevation 500-1500m
Abdomen Length 33-35mm
Found in the grasses and reeds of small ponds and wetlands. The deep blue eyes and scalloped pattern on the top of the thorax are good characters for ID. Females are similar but with more yellow and paler blue. They are found during the monsoon from the end of June to the end of September. Mating was observed in August.

Family Platycnemididae 

Coeliccia renifera
(Selys 1886)
Elevation 400 - 1800m
Abdomen Length 33-37mm
Along seepages and slow streams, these beautiful green and black damselflies are spotted mostly by their white anal appendages and the bright green markings on their thorax. Females are less brightly marked and blend in with the vegetation. They range across the mid-hills in the Himalayas from NW India to NE India including Nepal and probably Bhutan. They appear just before the monsoon in June, and breed in June and September.

Calicnemia nipalica
Kimmins 1958
Elevation 700 to 1600m
Abdomen Length 31mm
This is an uncommon wetland inhabitant in Nepal and is listed as vulnerable by IUCN. It rests along the seepages and small canals in darker areas of the jungle and might be easily overlooked. The color of the adult takes time to deepen. From its emergence, in mid-April, the male and female have similar colorations but by June the male's color deepens to a darker red and solid black toward the end of the abdomen. Mating was observed in late June and it is present through July.

Calicnemia pulverulans
(Selys 1886)
Elevation 500 to 2000m
Abdomen length 29-31mm
C. pulverulans live in the same dark forested conditions as C. nipalica. The abdomen color is powdery blue as they pruinose early in life, overall it has a waxy blue color with some yellow to pale blue lateral thoracic stripes. A Himalayan native is seen from NW India to NE India and into Myanmar. They are mostly found May through July mating in early May.


Family Coenagrionidae

Aciagrion olympicum
Laidlaw 1919
Elevation 1300 - 2000m
Abdomen Length 32-34mm
It was seen in the Godavari wetland for a couple of months in 2014 and again in 2019. It is only recorded in Nepal, NE India, and Bhutan. Males differ in having segments 8-10 blue. The female body was not fully colored but the blue markings on segments 8,9 and 10 were clear, and the thorax was tan and brown with brown-black markings on the surface of the abdomen - later turning blue. Seen from mid-April until May.

Agriocnemis pygmaea
(Rambur 1842)
Elevation of sea level to 1500m
Abdomen length 16 - 17mm
So tiny it is easily overlooked as it floats through blades of grass lining small ponds, wetlands, and slow streams. A very common damselfly called it is called the Wandering Midget because of its wide distribution throughout all of Asia and Australasia. The male is easier to see with a tint of dark orange at the end of the abdomen. Males and females are seen together from early May to October.

Amphiallagma parvum syn Enallagma parvum
(Selys 1876)
Elevation 200 to 1800m
Abdomen length 17mm
A tiny baby-blue damselfly with a thick black line marking the vertex, dorsum of thorax, and most of the abdomen. It inhabits the center and edges of ponds with vegetation on the surface, where the females oviposit. The female is a greenish-yellow version of the male. Seen at the Godavari Kunda from March through the end of May. Mating begins in May through the monsoon.


Ceriagrion azureum
(Selys 1891)
Elevation 700 to 1500m
Abdomen Length 34-38mm
A long thin pale blue damselfly with blue eyes, pale green thorax, short yellow legs with black spines, and black at the tip of the abdomen. The female is just greenish up to the middle of the abdomen then neutral color. It is found in a shaded forest area with a small stream near ICIMOD and Pokhara. Present from May, June, and July. Females are seen at the start of the monsoon. Locations are spread across NE India to China, Thailand, and Vietnam.


Ceriagrion coromandelianum
(Fabricius 1789)
Elevation of sea level to 2400m
Abdomen Length 28-30mm
A very common damselfly in Nepal but not so common in Godavari, because it is more of a low land damselfly. The bright yellow abdomen with green thorax is easy to spot as it glides through the grasses and shrubs next to small ponds and lakes. The female resembles the male but is green. They are dispersed throughout Southern Asia. Breeding is during the monsoon from July to August.

Ceriagrion fallax
Lieftinck 1927
Elevation 800 to 2000m
Abdomen Length 30-32mm
A very common damselfly in wetland areas and around ponds in Godavari and up to over 2200m. It is called the Black-tailed Marsh Dart. Males stand out with bright yellow bodies lined with black on the last few segments. They are out early in the season from April/May through October. They are seen in Nepal and the eastern hilly areas of the Himalayas. Mating was observed in July and emerging tenerals even into October.

Ceriagrion olivaceum
(Laidlaw 1914)
Elevation 500-1800m
Abdomen Length 34-38mm
A very dull colored damselfly, females are slightly darker than males. Not commonly seen probably because they are so bland in color. They are found in the jungle area near ICIMOD from April through October breeding in streams. They are found in hilly areas in Nepal and across NE India to Myanmar.


Ischnura rubilio
Selys 1876
Elevation of coastal level to 1800m
Abdomen length 16-20mm
These are small damselflies known as Western Golden Dartlet. Previously considered as a subspecies of I. aurora, but DNA work showed that it was not the same as the I. aurora in Australasia. The Asian (Indian subcontinent) and Iran forms of Ischnura have been designated as I. rubilio. Small in size and hard to see in the grasses with a green and yellow-ocher body but the shining blue tip on the abdomen is easily spotted when looking for them. Females are polymorphic in color, resembling the male, adromorph, or two other color variations. From May through the end of October, they are seen with mating observed in July and October.


Ischnura forcipata
Morton 1907
Elevation 500 - 1800m
Abdomen length 22-23mm
This is a fairly common wetland and streamside species that appear early in the season - April and May. It was found in the pond near the Godavari khunda along with I. rufostigma rufostigma and P. decorum. It is also found downstream from the Iceberg Beer factory in Godavari where water quality is very poor. The thorax is grass green, contrasting with the black surface of the abdomen with blue on segments 8, 9, and sides 10. Segment 10 is variable some have blue oval spots some have a small patch of blue. The blue postocular spots are easily seen on the backs of black eyes, as well as a tiny pale blue spot on the pterostigma in the fore wing. Appearing early in the spring mating twice at the beginning (April) and end of the season (September). I have photographed two female-color forms. They are a Himalayan species from Afghanistan to Northeast India.
Mating/Female color forms

Ischnura rufostigma rufostigma 
Selys 1876 (rufostigma group)
Elevation 700 - 1600m
Abdomen Length 23-24mm
I. annandalei Laidlaw 1919; I. mildredae Fraser 1926; I. carpentieri Fraser (1946) Asahina (1970) placed I. carpentieri and I. annandalei in synonymy with I. mildredae and considered all to be a subspecies of I. rufostigma
At first glance, it is very similar to I. aurora but the amount of blue color on segment 8 varies. There are many variations of blue and even no blue. Vick 1986, worked on the I. rufostigma group because of the many noticeable variations of the abdominal segments 6-10 and what he considered distinct differences in male anal appendages. This one from Godavari he placed in the carpentieri group with a blue mark on the 8th segment and stronger tubercles. Asahina (1991) later described these under the name I. rufostigma montana, because of the elevation where it was found - ie Godavari Nepal. The group remains confusing and without molecular work, the confusion will not be resolved. A 2016 paper from China attempted to sort out the I. rufostigma group and the biomorphic coloration found in females. They found that the phenotypic variability in the expression of color was related to allele configuration and not different species.
Females in the photos show three color forms - one andromorph and two gynomorphs. As per the taxa, the pterostigma is bicolored. Mating was observed twice in June and September. They are found at the Kunda on the water and in the grasses. Seen from March through October.

Mating/Female color forms

Pseudagrion decorum
Rambur 1842
Elevation of coastal level to 1800m
Abdomen length 28-30mm
They are small in size but easily recognized by the pale blue and green stripes on the thorax, darker abdomen, and light blue at the tip of the abdomen. They are usually at the small pond below the Godavari Kunda in April and May. Their distribution is throughout India, one location in Sri Lanka, and Myanmar.

Pseudagrion rubriceps rubriceps
(Selys 1876)
Elevation 180 - 2000m
Abdomen length 29 -30mm
The red eyes, large blue eyespots, and blue and green thorax color are the best determination for this damselfly. The abdomen is blackish-brown on the dorsum with blue sides and light blue terminal segments. Mating was observed in April and found at the Kunda through August. Distribution is throughout India across Nepal (especially in Pokhara), Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Thailand.


Family Gomphidae

Paragomphus lineatus
(Selys 1850)
Elevation 200 to 1500m
Abdomen 32-37mm
This species will be seen on stones in rivers and streams. It is one of the first gomphid types to arrive in the spring - usually in April. In India, it is the Common Hook-tail and Lined Hooktail, which is obvious from the anatomy of the male. Regionally it is also found in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan but the extent of its distribution is largely west of Nepal including Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Pakistan.

Anisogomphus bivittatus
Selys 1854
Elevation 700 to 1800m
Abdomen length 36mm
There are three species of Anisogomphus in Nepal, and all three have been reported in the Godavari area but I have not seen A. orites as yet. I have seen it in Pokhara. Males of A. bivittatus differ from A. occipitalis in that it has expansions on the last 3 segments of the abdomen giving it a vase-like appearance. Females are similar to males. The photo below shows this feature very nicely. They are locally common sitting on small bushes next to small streams from May through September. They have a narrow distribution found only in Nepal and NE India.


Anisogomphus occipitalis
(Selys 1854)
Elevation 400 - 1800m
Abdomen Length 52mm
Usually found along forest streams with heavy vegetation. They are found at the same time on the same streams. The size and coloration are similar to A. bivittatus but the markings on and shape of the three last segments are very different. Female coloration is similar to males. Found in good numbers on vegetation next to small streams during the monsoon season from June to September. Distribution is Bangladesh, Nepal, NW, and NE India.

Scalmogomphus bistrigatus
(Hagen in Selys 1854)
Elevation 600 - 1800m
Abdomen length 38mm
A recent find in Godavari sitting on the stream below the knowledge park on the picnic grounds. Rarely seen in Godavari and only males have been seen. This gomphid is usually seen in Pokhara at 800m and a bit higher. I have seen it in June in Pokhara and from July to September in Godavari. It is a Himalayan species found in NW India, NE India, and Nepal.

Lamelligomphus biforceps
(Selys, 1878)
Elevation 700-1800m
Abdomen Length 41mm
A fine specimen to see with large clasper-type anal appendages. A black-based background with yellow markings and large circular appendages is a clue to the identity. One male was found resting on plants in the herb garden at ICIMOD. Repeated efforts to find it again were nil. Distribution is not well known but it is found in the northern parts of the Himalayas India, Nepal, and Bhutan.

Family Aeshnidae

Aeshna petalura
Martin 1906
Elevation 1700-2800m
Abdomen length 49mm
This was a hard one to photograph. I found it rapidly flying over a small pond on top of Phulchowki Peak above Godavari. This is a popular birding area. The Aeshna male would streak over the pond sometimes taking a female up with him into huge oak trees or the female would fly up and meet the male then return to oviposit. There were so many exuviae on the surrounding plants that hundreds of Anax and Aeshna must have emerged at about the same time. I captured one larva and fed it tadpoles. It emerged and I returned it to the same pond near the summit of Phulchowki.

Anaciaeschna martini
Selys 1897
Elevation 700-2100m
Abdomen length 45-55mm
Previously listed as A. donaldi (Revision of the status of Anaciaeschna donaldi and A. martini with allied species and distributional notes, 2020, Conniff, K.L.
The photo below is an A. martini female ovipositing into aquatic plant clusters in the wetland at ICIMOD. The male swoops down grabs the female and they mate high above the ground at treetop level, the males fly off and the females descend to the pond. The female identification shows yellow colors on the thorax and upper abdomen, the male areas are blue, and the females have very dark wing venation as shown. A single teneral male specimen in the Nepal Natural History Museum in Kathmandu is labeled A. martini and a female specimen in the Natural History Museum in Pokhara is labeled A. donaldi. The mixup in these species was fueled by Fraser's search for a male, which is very hard to find. We found one on the ground after a storm. Since then we have observed that mating takes place up above the tree canopy, the male takes off and the female descends to oviposit into small ponds.

Anax nigrofasciatus 
Oguma 1915
Elevation 800 to 2000m
Abdomen Length 53mm
Anax nigrofasciatus is similar in behavior to A. martini. The flight is rapid over the surface of small ponds, except both males and females are seen flying near the pond. Females oviposit into surface water plants and loose mud close to the sides of these ponds. They have been found at several locations in Godavari and at higher locations at Shiv Puri and Phulchowki summits above 2200m. The Phulchowki females are colored similarly to the males. Sightings are from March through August. Distribution is Nepal and NE India.


Sarasaeschna martini previously Oligoaeschna martini?
Lieftinck, 1968
Elevation 1500 - 2000m
Abdomen length 38-39m
This one presents many problems as it almost fits the descriptions in Fraser 1934 of Jagoria martini Laidlaw,1921. But this one was reassigned to Oligoaeschna by Lieftinck as he attempted to characterize the genera together under this name. The name was changed again to Sarasaeschna by Karube and Yeh, 2014. According to Lieftinck, there were a few solitary females such as the one I have photographed here. It seems to fit the details of O. decorata. However, I originally put this as O. martini because of the description in Fraser, 1936 of Jagoria martini, but Lieftinck also mentions that Fraser places the female he describes as J. martini but his drawings of the female appendages are much closer to O. decorata. There is still some confusion as to what this one might actually be. So excuse the uncertainty of this identification but given the resources I have, I believe this is as close as I can get. Distribution is listed as Darjeeling and Sikkim.


Gynacantha bayadera
Selys 1891
Elevation 800 to 2000m
Abdomen length 45mm
A widespread species that turns up all over Asia - from New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and throughout North East India, Myanmar, and Nepal. Its identifying feature is the lack of a black "T" on the upper frons. It flies at dusk and is a voracious carnivore. This one was found cruising up and down the road that goes to Pulchowki Peak (2764m) at an elevation of 1600m. Seen only at dusk from August through October.

Gynacantha incisura
Fraser 1935
Elevation 700 - 1900m
Abdomen Length 47mm
I first found this one on the doorstep one night in Godavari. It was attracted to the light but must have died in the night. At first, it was not clear that it was G. incisura because the incised part was not very clear as depicted in Fraser's drawing. After looking at drawings by Asahina in 1984 it was more convincing. They are crepuscular and found hanging from branches in the jungle during the day. Distribution is listed as Nepal, Myanmar, and Thailand, but I would expect it to show up elsewhere.


Polycanthagyna erythromelas
(MacLachlan 1985)
Elevation 1300 - 2600m
Abdomen length 67mm
This is a large attractive dragonfly that is found across the Himalayas and into Pakistan on the west and as far as Vietnam to the east. It tends to fly in the evenings flying back and forth as it devours mosquitos. The females differ significantly from the males with reddish-brown from the 2nd segment down. They breed in small ponds and have been found from June through September.


Family Cordulegastridae

Anotogaster nipalensis
Selys 1854
Elevation 900 - 3000m
Abdomen Length 54mm
Commonly found along flowing streams at elevations from 1300 to 1800 meters in the Himalayas Nepal, NE India, and Bhutan. The male will guard shady stream sections flying low over the water where females oviposit into the mud banks and soft plants along the edges. Males and females are very similar in appearance but the female has a large spike at the end of the abdomen. They are plentiful from August to October.



Family Synthemistidae

Idionyx stevensi
Fraser 1924
Elevation above 1400-2000m
Abdomen length 32mm
Only one male (May 2012) was found in the small wetland near ICIMOD. This was an emerging teneral that had not emerged successfully and was taken as a specimen. It is a beautiful dragonfly with emerald green eyes and a metallic green thorax with bright yellow colored stripes. I believe the degradation of the habitat has affected the population. The water source where the specimen was found has now become unreliable. Previously placed in the family of Corduliidae but now molecular information has redefined the family and many taxa placed there. The distribution is China, India, and Nepal.

Family Macromiidae or Cruisers

Macromia moorei
Selys 1874
Elevation 700 to 1900m
Abdomen Length 48-52mm
As is true of most Macromia sp, the noticeable features are the emerald green eyes and on closer inspection the laterally flattened appearance of the body. They are patrollers moving up and down streams or if you are lucky they might be found dangling pendant-like from tree branches. Found from June through September. Distribution is along the NE Himalayas in Nepal and India.


Acisoma panorpoides
Rambur 1842
Elevation of sea level to 1800m
Abdomen 15-18mm
Very common throughout Asia and Africa with many common names such as Asian Pintail, Grizzled Pintail, Trumpet Tail, etc. The body shape, size, and color make it very quick to ID. Females are yellow otherwise the same as the males. They are found in wetlands, ponds, lakes, and streams, mostly during the monsoon. In Nepal, they are found from about 1800 m to the Terai at 90m.


Brachythemis contaminata
(Fabricius 1793)
Elevation of sea level to 1400m
Abdomen Length 18-21mm
A very common species found throughout Asia and with many names; Orange-winged Groundling, Ditch Jewel, Common Amberwing, etc. This one is not particular about its habitat. It is found in open areas to all kinds of water sources (even some that are not clean). The female is a pale version of the male. They appear early and in some warmer climates, it is found all year. In Nepal, it is seen during the monsoon season and a bit from June to September.


Crocothemis servilia
(Drury 1773)
Elevation from 80 to 2400m
Abdomen length 24-35mm
Found throughout Asia including Japan, Indonesia, Central Asia, and the Middle East, and even accidentally introduced into the United States (Florida). Called the Oriental Scarlet or Scarlet Skimmer. It is very common in Nepal where it is found in small lakes and ponds during the monsoon season and into October. They appear in April and vanish in October when the weather turns colder.

Diplacodes trivialis
(Rambur 1842)
Elevation sea-level - 3400m
Abdomen Length 19-22mm
Like the previous, this one is very widespread throughout Asia and into Papua New Guinea and Australia. It also has many common names, such as Blue Percher and Little Blue Darter. It is not too particular about habitat and it is often found sitting on the ground away from water sources. In tropical areas, it is seen all year. In Nepal, it is seen from August to October.

Neurothemis fulvia
(Drury 1773)
Elevation 80 - 2300m
Abdomen length 21-26mm

A very striking dragonfly that is easy to spot - it is sometimes mistaken for a butterfly with its slow flight. It is found in many locations throughout Asia often called Fulvous Forest Skimmer. In Nepal, it is usually near paddy fields and shrubs near wetlands and ponds. The Male has a round clear area at the tips of reddish wings. The Female's wings are uniform in color. It is one of the first to appear in April and the last to be seen in late October.

Neurothemis intermedia intermedia
(Rambur 1842)
Elevation 80 to 1800m
Abdomen Length
Usually found at lower elevations and in Godavari it is close to paddy fields and wetlands. It is appropriately called the Paddy Field Parasol. It is not a strong flyer and rests on the paddy bund or ditches near paddy fields. It breeds after the rains or when irrigation starts.


Orthetrum glaucum
(Brauer 1865)
Elevation 300 - 1900m
Abdomen length 29-35mm
Another Orthetrum species is found at the Kunda from May through October. They breed in small ponds. This taxon is widely dispersed throughout Asia. They are called Asian Skimmer or Blue Marsh Hawk The ID is a dark face and powdery blue coating as older adults become fully pruinose. Breeding is from June to November.


Orthetrum internum
(Uhler 1858)
Elevation 500 - 3500m
Abdomen Length 28-30mm
Found across the Himalaya-Hindu Kush region, Western Ghats, East Asia, and Japan. Previously thought to be a subspecies of O. japonicum now separated. The body shape is more of a flat tube, equally fat almost to the end of the abdomen. The color is a very light blue with a dirty blue face. This one is not as common as other Orthetrum relatives. It is found at elevations above 2000m resting on lily pads or reed beds in wetlands and small freshwater ponds. Breeding is in April and through the end of the Monsoon.


Orthetrum luzonicum
(Brauer 1868)
Elevation 200 - 2000m
Abdomen Length 28-30mm
Like other relatives in the Orthetrum group of skimmers, these are widespread in Asia from Afghanistan to the Philippines including Sri Lanka and South India. The key identifying feature is the pale yellow face and dilated upper abdomen. The color varies from juvenile to adult becoming more pruinose to a sky blue color. They are found in the same location as the others in the group near the Kunda and other small ponds. Called Luzon Skimmer. It is usually present from June through October.


Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum
(Rambur 1842)
Elevation 80-2000m
Abdomen Length 28-31mm
They are not particular about habitat and are found in rivers, streams, paddy lands, and lakes. It is called the Pink Skimmer. Identification is the dark purplish-blue thorax and a bright pinkish-red abdomen. Females in the group are harder to distinguish from other Orthetrum genera. This one has a lateral expansion on segment 8. The life cycle is long from April to November. It has a very wide distribution and is common in most places across Asia including Taiwan and Japan.


Orthetrum sabina sabina
(Drury 1773)
Elevation of sea level to 1700m
Abdomen length 30-36mm
Called the Slender Skimmer or the Green Skimmer this one occurs in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and all of Asia including Micronesia. Coloration is unique as is the extreme shape of the abdomen within this group. Males and females are very similar. It is found in a wide variety of habitats. In Nepal, it breeds at different times depending on the location but is usually seen from June to October.


Orthetrum taeniolatum
(Schneider 1845)
Elevation 80 - 2000m
Abdomen Length 22-25mm
The Small Skimmer is found in the Himal-Hindu Kush region. It is identified from the dirty blue-grey face, hyaline wings, and yellowish-orange pterostigma. It is not common in the Godavari area because it prefers hotter lower regions. Still, it is occasionally seen early in the season April to June before Monsoon.


Orthetrum triangulare triangulare
(Selys 1878)
Elevation 800 - 2600m
Abdomen Length 29-33mm
From the onset of warm weather in May through November, it is seen on ponds in the Godavari area. It is called the Triangle Skimmer. The male is easy to distinguish having a black thorax and end of abdomen with bright blue in between. The wings have a small triangular black color on the hind wing. It is found breeding from April to October. It has a wide distribution across the Himalayas Hindu Kush, Sri Lanka, East Asia, and Taiwan.


Palpopleura sexmaculata
(Fabricius 1787)
Elevation up to 2600m
Abdomen Length 14-16mm
Widespread in Asia and common near paddy lands. Commonly called the Asian Widow or Blue-tailed Yellow Skimmer. It is one of the smallest dragonflies. It is quite colorful, males are blue with black and yellow wing venation, and females are similar to the males but yellow. It is easy to spot and identify them. They are usually seen in the area from April to October.

Pantala flavescens
(Fabricius 1798)
Elevation sea-level - 6000m
Abdomen length 29-35mm
Pantala flavescens is also called the Globe Wanderer because it is found almost all around the world. Recent articles have described its migration patterns. It is an opportunistic breeder - as soon as rain forms bigger puddles you will find rapid mating and egg-laying into the wet ground. They are often found gliding above grasslands, roads, and fields. They have a yellow-orange body with long pointed black anal appendages. Migratory herds will appear twice a year in Nepal once in April and then again in late August to September.


Sympetrum striolatum commixtum
(Selys 1884)
Elevation 1500 - 3300m
Abdomen Length 28-30mm
This species is found in the Himalayan region and is very similar to S. striolatum in Afghanistan. It is found in small lakes or ponds in high-altitude wetlands. It is typically red-bodied and marked with black; the female is yellow with black. Juvenile males look like females. Recorded from June to later October with breeding seen in October at 2000m. Called Mountain Meadowhawk.


Trithemis aurora
(Burmeister 1839)
Elevation sea-level - 1800m
Abdomen Length 21-29mm
The hot pink color is striking when you first see this one on green reeds or grasses next to small ponds or rivers. It is very common throughout Asia. The female is yellow with a large ochre-colored patch on the hind wings and brown wingtips. Called Dawn Dropwing, Crimson Dropwing, or Crimson Marsh Glider.

Trithemis festiva
(Rambur 1842)
Elevation 80 - 2000m
Abdomen length 22-28mm
This is another widespread species that occurs throughout Asia and in southern Europe. The male is a lovely dark indigo-blue color, thus giving it the name Indigo Drop-wing or Black Stream Glider. The female is harder to find and only appears when it is time to breed, which is very quick then it disappears after ovipositing. It perches on rocks in small streams or next to banks of rivers and ponds and occasionally with T. aurora. Breeding is during the monsoon.


Urothemis signata signata
Rambur 1842
Elevation of sea-level to 1500m
Abdomen 27-28mm
There are many subspecies found throughout Asia where it is most commonly U. signata signata. It needs more study to differentiate the subspecies - sometimes the more common the easier it is to overlook slight differences. Bright red with patches in the wings make for common names like Greater Crimson Skimmer and Scarlet Basker. It is common from mid-hills to Terai in Nepal throughout the year in some places. It is not common at the elevation in the Godavari area.

Now to the dragonflies from other locations in Nepal...visit the pages for Terai, Pokhara, Kathmandu Valley, and the Himalayan region.